My little pony fighting is magic rarity
My little pony fighting is magic rarity

my little pony fighting is magic rarity my little pony fighting is magic rarity my little pony fighting is magic rarity

Knows the Ropes: She can use a lasso as a part of her moveset.Dynamic Entry: Applejack's "Summer Rambo" super move.Cute Bruiser: Applejack is tougher than she looks.Close-Range Combatant: Most of her moves requires close range.Taken even further with her level 2 super, which is just her doing another kick after her level 1 super.Exaggerated in her "magic" moves, which are basically just stronger versions of her normal moves, unlike the rest of the cast.Badass Normal: Compared to the rest of the initial roster (even Pinkie, considering that they put Pinkie's cartoon logic in as teleport moves).That said, it's now one of the things she says in-game when using Summer Rambo. Ascended Meme: Bionic Farm became a minor meme since Applejack's VA for this game said it as a joke at the end of her audition piece.

my little pony fighting is magic rarity

The Tribute Edition adds Minuette and Twilight Twinkle, from the first My Little Pony generation. Whole Costume Reference: She has palette swaps referencing Twilight Velvet (her mother) Lyra Heartstrings, Dewdrop Dazzle note The "tennis shoe" colors, and that time she basically turned into a fiery Rapidash in " Feeling Pinkie Keen".Wave-Motion Gun: Twilight Sparkle's level 1 super, Story Arc Climax.Trap Master: Twilight Sparkle will make page copies from her book, in order to lay them down as traps.Throw the Book at Them: Twilight Sparkle's weapon of choice for air combos is her Spell Book.Teleport Spam: Capable of Teleportation at will.Spell Book: Twilight uses one for most of her attacks.Shotoclone: If one were to classify Twilight, she'd be the closest to this.Shoryuken: Her failed teleport (teleport & appear again in the same spot) move was described as the closest she has to one.Magic Knight: Attacks physically and by using magic.Kamehamehadoken: Her Hadoken-like energy balls and one of her specials.Jack of All Stats: No surprise, since she's the main character and approximately a Shotoclone.Flying Books: Her book floats next to her, and unlike normally she isn't using her telekinesis.Deflector Shields: She uses one when blocking.Calling Your Attacks: For some reason, Twilight was the only one to do this regularly.Ascended Meme: The devs have adopted the invoked Fan Nickname for one of her palettes, Tennis Shoe Twilight.

My little pony fighting is magic rarity