I had an avalanche of protests and some Pm's with threats including 1 from a moderator that I would be expelled "if I use this word again and it was a personal insult to the moderator" Edited Decemby cycler48Īboat 1 year ago I made a posting with the heading "ïs Garmin reXXXX" The maps are very good and you can even view them in 3D mode in BaseCamp. As I mentioned though, the dvd was worth it (my opinion). To Garmin's credit though, they sold me the dvd and only charged me the difference ($30) so I didn't have to pay the full dvd price. 24k - West for $99 and I couldn't use that in BaseCamp.

I had even purchased and downloaded Topo U.S. I agree that with you on it not being right. So if the CD comes with the unit you can put them in Basecamp, and if it comes preloaded you have to buy another CD? Thats retarded! MacGPSPro = $60 download not including map purchases. RouteBuddy = $99 download and then you have to purchase their maps. To me, it was worth it though because the Garmin maps are the best I've seen when compared to RouteBuddy and MacGPSPro. I had to buy their West 24k dvd at a cost of $129 US. I had the same problem and was told by Garmin that I would have to buy the maps on their dvd's to be able to use in BaseCamp. You can't download the maps from your gps into BaseCamp.